APG CEO and Staff visit RMHC Chapters in Queensland
Monday, 3rd August 2018
Thank you so much Theresa Scanlan Executive Manager - Fundraising for taking the time to take our recruitment consultant Rhiannon Manton and CEO Glenn Redman around the beautiful Ronald McDonald House South East Brisbane.
As Rhiannon said “The inspiration and eye opening for me was absolutely fantastic! I will definitely be sharing my experience with everyone and getting them involved and helping out where they can”.
CEO Glenn Redman also had the fantastic experience of visiting RMHC at Townsville Hospital.
“What an amazing and inspiring job they do and service that they provide. Supporting families with sick and injured children right across Nth QLD to the neighbouring islands. Thanks Marnie Bricknell Executive Partnership Manager and Denise Lumsden Program Manager & Acting CEO for taking the time to show me around.”
With over 70 rooms filled with families staying with sick children they really do need all the community support that they can get either in time volunteering or financially so please visit www.rmhc.org.au to find out more today