Heading back to work after the joyful highs of the holidays can lead, however, to what’s known as the post-holiday blues, causing low energy, increased anxiety, lack of focus, and overall unhappiness at work. If these symptoms sound familiar, you’re not alone. To beat the back-to-work blues and regain focus and a positive outlook at work, read and reflect on these five tips.
1) Remind yourself about the big picture and focus on defining your why.
Remind yourself why you get out of bed every morning. What is your purpose for what you do? Furthermore, you should keep your WHY clear. Returning to work after the holidays is a great occasion for such clarity. Rather than setting New Year’s Resolutions, set goals instead. Having a goal to channel your energy and focus really helps override low moods.
2) Reconnect at work.
Make an effort to build valuable relationships with co-workers and customers. Perhaps you could try new cuisines on lunch breaks with co-workers or work together to get involved in the community through volunteering or fundraising. These positive connections and activities will help you see work in a positive light.
3) Have something to look forward to.
Start planning some events to look forward to in January, February and March. Plan one thing for each month that will take your focus off the ending of the holidays and on the new thing. A month in the future might be ideal. It will remind you that the fun hasn’t ended just because the holidays has.
4) Make time for self care.
Scheduling in lunch, exercise sessions, or walks in nature with friends are good pick-me-up methods to counter the post-holiday blues. It’s extremely important to your mental health to keep a balance between work, family responsibilities, and taking care of yourself. Sleeping is also important for yourself because it helps you fix your memories. It also increases productivity in the morning if you had enough sleep last night.
5) Give yourself time to catchup.
There’s nothing worse than realising that you have to go straight into the mundanities of housekeeping, adult duties and other non-holiday things. Proper post-holiday slog. When you’re planning your life back to work, take into consideration how you might feel, and see if there’s anything you can change or adapt. Maybe giving yourself an extra day or two before you start back up again to adjust getting back into the routine is worth considering